Wild Chakra Kids Mindful Coloring Book

Raise empowered, vibrant kids with colorful inner worlds

With the Wild Chakra Kids Mindful Coloring & Activity book

for ages 10+ 

Focus busy hands and minds

Unplug and slow down

Connect with universal wisdom

Today’s forecast:

Busy and distracted with a chance of depression and anxiety

Go, go, go! Do, do, do! It’s hard for modern kids to find their calm in the storm of overstimulation. We’re all bombarded with more demands and information than our nervous systems can handle. 

With so much pulling at our attention, kids and parents alike often feel: 

  • scattered

  • ungrounded

  • disconnected from our essence 

Are your kids…

More plugged into WiFi than to the natural world around them?

Reaching for artificial colors and unhealthy foods?

Using electronics to escape their feelings?

Moody, shut down, or dulled?

We all deserve help finding our centers

Coloring is a proven way to get present, relieve stress, sharpen focus, and improve motor skills. Our mindful activity book adds chakra-based lessons that guide children into alignment with their universal inner powers. 

Explore the colors within

No matter your belief system, the ancient wisdom of the chakras offers a powerful map for balancing the heart, mind, body, and spirit. Our fun, educational activities lead kids on a journey to find the rainbow inside them — and let it SHINE!

Make space for creativity

Drawing, colors, imagination, play,  using our hands, connecting to our inner knowing — who doesn’t want more of that in their lives? Our book makes it easy for parents and kids to sit down together and create.

Cultivate healthy habits

Coloring is a healthy habit in itself. And by encouraging kids to move their bodies, eat colorful foods, connect with nature, and skillfully map their energies, our book helps them create even more vibrant lives.

Feel more inner peace inside

As we pause and color, the noise of life fades — mind, school, stress, deadlines. Afterwards, our book's teachings will leave your child with even more capacity to navigate life using their own internal compass.

Karina, Founder of Wild Chakra Kids

I get how hard it is to raise heart- centered kids in a hectic world

Hi, I’m Karina, founder of Wild Chakra Kids. I’m a yogi, coach, nutritionist, reiki master and mom. 

I spent much of my childhood feeling lost, anxious, and disconnected. I was born in Poland under Soviet rule, and my family’s way of coping with life’s challenges was to stay BUSY. As I matured, I found tools to help me become more calm, embodied, whole, and peaceful. 

Raising my now-teenage daughter, I wanted to model a more awake way of life. I wrote the Wild Chakra Kids coloring book to be the guide I wish I’d had, first as a child, then as a mom. 

I want all children everywhere to learn to listen to their own intuitive genius. I believe the wisdom of the chakras offers a powerful framework that can benefit us all. It’s everyone’s birthright  to feel alive, peaceful, and colorful inside. Let’s help our children claim their inner rainbow.

The Seven Energetic Chakras of Our Body

3 easy steps to brighten their day



Click “Start Coloring” and click on “Pre-order the Book” The book is currently available for pre-sale in the USA and will be arriving mid-to-end of August. We are including free shipping for all of USA as a thank for being a part of the first batch of orders to go out! The book is launching June 2023. Be the first to get your copy and benefit from free shipping.



When life gets overwhelming, inviting your loved ones to color the chakras helps shift the storm into a rainbow. Kids 10 + can join the fun. Adult children are welcome too!



Watch your family radiate more inner light as they tune into the wisdom of their 7 power centers. 

Families love using our mindful coloring book


Are you concerned when your kid comes home, reaches for a bag of chips, and goes online for 6 hours?

We all want to raise joyful, healthy, vibrant kids. But the modern world sure makes it hard to pause for our trustworthy inner voice. Kids are bombarded with so much distraction and stimulation it’s hard for them to hear themselves above the noise. 

You deserve some help getting present together

That’s why we created the Wild Chakra Kids coloring book. The simple, creative act of coloring is a powerful way to:

  • focus

  • quiet the mind

  • tune into the moment

  • get present in the body 

As we journey through each of the chakras, the activities and invitations teach kids about healthy eating, moving their bodies, managing emotions, connecting with nature, and listening to their own inner genius. Give the children you love the gift of brightening the rainbow inside them.